I'm a writer at The Atlantic. Formerly at The New York Times, GQ, and Gawker.
Please email me how to get rich so that I can stop working!

The Unmitigated Chaos of America’s Attempt at Color-Coded Covid Guidance
A survey of states’ color-coded Covid-19 alert systems for The New York Times.

QVC: Quarantine, Value, Convenience
A time-capsule portrait of QVC’s intrepid broadcast efforts as America entered lockdown.

Jordan Peele is Terrifying
A Q&A with director Jordan Peele about his horror film Get Out for the March 2017 issue GQ.
Photo: Peter Yang for GQ

Trixie Mattel is for Men (and Women and Kids)
A profile of Trixie Mattel for GQ.com's LGBTQ vertical.
Photo: Justin Bettman for GQ

The Sweater Abides
A short profile of Jeff Bridges for an October 2017 GQ fashion story.
Photo: Peggy Sirota for GQ

My Impossible Mission to Find Tom Cruise
The action star has gone to great lengths to avoid the press for more than a decade. But maybe I could track him down anyway?
Illustration by Kelsey Dake

Patrick Stewart Will Look Great Forever
A walking tour of Brooklyn with Patrick Stewart for a February 2017 GQ fashion story.
Photo: Sinna Nasseri for The New York Times

What Is It About Dating Shows Where Contestants Can’t See Each Other?
A meditation on sight-unseen dating shows for The New York Times.
Screencapture via Netflix

Travolta Holds Court
An interview with John Travolta for the December 2016 issue of GQ.
Photo: Peter Hapak for GQ

The Best Restaurant in the World Is: EPCOT
This culinary travelogue through Walt Disney World's EPCOT theme park can be found only by the grace of The Wayback Machine. Please be patient while it loads. We love you, Wayback Machine!
Image: Jim Cooke for Gawker

Gravy Boat: My Week on the High Seas With Paula Deen and Friends
An epic journey through Hell on a boat with Paula Deen.
Image: Jim Cooke for Gawker

Philly Unveils World’s Largest T-Shirt Cannon; Haters Crying Themselves to Sleep; They Literally Cannot Believe It
Photo: Library of Congress